Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Scrubbers in the park

No it is not as bad as it sounds :-)

We have begun the clean up operation for the Play Area by the Tennis courts. So we can start painting the swings.

We really need help to paint the
children’s play equipment at
Coedbach Park.
If you think you can give a couple of hours of your time we would be very grateful, please contact
Chris on 07890416892 or email milgi@talktalk.net
Thank you

Please join us and help make a difference to your child or grandchildren's enjoyment of the park

We gave all the worse jobs to Councillor Jane Harris ;-)
Missed a bit!!!!

Kay making sure no one slacked off.

Vyv doing his best Witch Impression

Christine about to burst into song!!!!!

Miss Swansea and Miss Bont 2013 modelling the latest range of park wear.

Ready for the paint.

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