Friday, 10 May 2013

News Update

Last weekend saw our second Bird walk which was led by bird expert Martin Humphreys.
Again this was a great success with everybody coming away having learnt something about how our feathered friends use the woodlands in the park.
We also gave our new banner it's first public unveiling.

Our resident Blogger/Photographer Martin Hanson (Left trying to keep his eyes open at 6.30am) next to the banner  which was designed by V Fuge.

And at last the Bluebells are popping up in the Second woods (Hooray!!!!) just a little more warmth and we should have a lovely blanket of them.
A big thanks Win and Viv (and anybody else I left out) for all their efforts in clearing the woods.
And as usual we thank the Swansea City Council lad's and management for keeping us topped up with chip bark to keep the pathways in good condition. And also to Bob and Jason for their superb efforts as well in helping to maintain the pathways. 

Bluebells popping up everywhere.

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