Thursday 29 September 2011

New Nets

Well I am pleased to tell you that our new nets have been delivered and are now in place and within minutes were being used by a regular set of players.

Fotp with the regular tennis players.

Fotp members from Left to right Vyv/Wyn/Martin/Margaret

Some of the Friends have a quick game to christen the nets.

The courts are used all year around.


We have some good news, the tennis nets and posts have been delivered and Dai the Supervisor will hopefully be installing these in the tennis courts this week so if anyone is free on Thursday morning at 11.00 am (29th Sept) for a photo shoot that would be great. Dust off your tennis racket and shorts as the weather prediction is that we are going to be having an Indian Summer. Martin will be there to take some photographs, thank you Martin. Also thanks to Vyv getting in touch with the Parks Manager we now have a new bin installed in the Park at the Coedbach Road entrance and a new innards for the bin in the Playground. Thank you City and County of Swansea and thank you Dai the Supervisor who cemented the new bin in.

We had a successful day at Pontarddulais show, the weather was kind to us, and we raised some money so to everyone who donated items, who helped sort out the donations, stick the raffle tickets on the items before hand and who helped out on the day, thank you very much. We have some pictures taken of our stall at the Pontarddulais Show on the day and these are up on our Blog site.

Some Advance Notice - there is a Friends of Parks Forum meeting on the evening of Wednesday 19th October in Swansea. This is a chance to meet up with members of other Park groups in Swansea, to share ideas and perhaps see if we can access some joint funding bids. Anyone who would like to go please let me know by email or phone or tell me at our next meeting this Thursday.

Kay, myself and Delyth Higgins (Sustainable Swansea) met with Amy and Rachel, teachers at Pontarddulais Comprehensive school, to discuss the school’s involvement and it was all very good and positive – more about that at our next meeting. 
Look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

Saturday 24 September 2011

September Meeting

Just to remind you that our next meeting is on Thursday 29th September at the Cricket club Pontarddulais at 7.15pm.
We will also have Adam Mason the City and County of Swansea Community Parks officer to answer any questions you may have.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Pontarddulais Agriculture Show 2011

On Bank holiday Monday the 29th 2011 we set up our 2nd stall of the year at the Pontarddulais Agriculture Show.

Kay, Brenda and Margaret our Treasurer also helped man the stall in the morning so a big thank you to them.
And we also give a big thanks to everybody else that also turned up to help us set up.  

Julie is holding up a blue plant pot at the start of our day and the table is well covered in Tombola items all donated by our members - a big thank you to everyone

The items ranged from a tin of sardines to a Voucher from Arwels of Pontarddulais for a Cut and Blow Dry at his salon.  Thank you very much Arwel.

The lady who won the bird feeder donated by Emlyn's Pet Shop of Pontarddulais was very obvioulsy very pleased with her prize. 


All tombola tickets had been sold by 2pm and Margaret and her grandson did a wonderful job of manning what then became our book stall.

 We had fun and raised money for the Friends which was absolutely brilliant

All Images ©Christine Thomas 2011

Thursday 8 September 2011

Saturday 10th September

We are planning another chat and chop (weather permitting) this saturday morning 10 till 12 if you would like to attend please meet us by the entrance to the bowling green in the park.
Hope to see you there.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Chat and Chop/Next meeting

We had a successful day at the Pontarddulais Show and a big thank you to all who donated items and who helped out on the day.
We are hoping to have a Chat and Chop this Saturday morning in the Park from 10 am till 12 pm and we are hoping to carry on clearing the undergrowth opposite the Tennis Courts.  If it is bad weather then we will not be meeting.  I'll keep you posted on the next one.
Our monthly meeting will be 7.15pm September 29th at the Cricket Club (last Thursday in the month) hope to see you there if not before.
Thanks again for all your support
all the best